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Version: 4.0.0 🚧

Upgrading from 3.x to 4.x

The 4.x update consolidates the changes in the 3.x and simplifies a few more steps of the usage experience. It completely removes the ISceneLoader implementations and adds a static AdvancedSceneManager class so you don't have to manually control its lifecycle.

Key Changes​

  • Changed the AdvancedSceneManager to be a static class that auto manages its lifecycle. (#49)
  • Converted the former AdvancedSceneManager to a new class CoreSceneManager, used internally by the new static AdvancedSceneManager. (#49)
  • Added extension methods to avoid having to create ILoadSceneInfo instances manually. (#49)
  • Removed the ISceneLoader interface and all its implementations: SceneLoaderAsync, SceneLoaderCoroutine and SceneLoaderUniTask. (#39)
  • Moved the Transition logic to the ISceneManager interface directly.
  • Merged single and multiple scene methods via the new SceneParameter struct.
  • Merged all return types to Task<SceneResult>, which can return a single or multiple scenes, be awaited and be used in coroutines with WaitTask. (#49)
  • Removed all UniTask references, but it's still compatible.
  • Improved scene match when unloading scenes. (#44)(#48)

Code Updates​

With the static AdvancedSceneManager available, you no longer need to manage an ISceneManager lifecycle. Also, there's no longer need to manually create ILoadSceneInfo instances due to the addition of extension methods. Consider this 3.x code:

ISceneManager manager = new SceneManager();
ISceneLoader loader = new SceneLoaderAsync(manager);

loader.TransitionToSceneAsync(new LoadSceneInfo("my-target-scene"), new LoadSceneInfoName("my-loading-scene"));

It can be converted to this 4.x code:

AdvancedSceneManager.TransitionAsync("my-target-scene", "my-loading-scene");

No more ISceneLoader​

The ISceneLoader was a layer on top of the ISceneManager that just added Scene Transitions, but with the overhead of handling one additional structure. Now the Scene Transitions have been moved to the ISceneManager directly and no longer needs another interaction layer. Additionally, the methods now support single or multiple scenes and all methods are async.

Update your calls according to the chart:

Scene Manager Changes​

The ISceneManager interface has been simplified and received the implementation of the TransitionAsync method:

+Task<SceneResult> TransitionAsync(SceneParameters sceneParameters, ILoadSceneInfo intermediateSceneReference = default, CancellationToken token = default);

-ValueTask<Scene[]> LoadScenesAsync(ILoadSceneInfo[] sceneInfos, int setIndexActive = -1, IProgress<float> progress = null, CancellationToken token = default);
-ValueTask<Scene> LoadSceneAsync(ILoadSceneInfo sceneInfo, bool setActive = false, IProgress<float> progress = null, CancellationToken token = default);
+Task<SceneResult> LoadAsync(SceneParameters sceneParameters, IProgress<float> progress = null, CancellationToken token = default);

-ValueTask<Scene[]> UnloadScenesAsync(ILoadSceneInfo[] sceneInfos, CancellationToken token = default);
-ValueTask<Scene> UnloadSceneAsync(ILoadSceneInfo sceneInfo, CancellationToken token = default);
+Task<SceneResult> UnloadAsync(SceneParameters sceneParameters, CancellationToken token = default);

Now instead of a ValueTask<Scene> and ValueTask<Scene[]>, it will return a Task<SceneResult> where the SceneResult is a simple struct that stores one or multiple scenes. You can retrieve the scenes by calling SceneResult.GetScenes().

Advanced Scene Manager Changes​

The former AdvancedSceneManager was an implementation of the ISceneManager class. This implementation has been renamed to CoreSceneManager and the AdvancedSceneManager name has been converted to a static class that internally manages an instance of a CoreSceneManager.

Operationally, the static AdvancedSceneManager is a static wrapper to a CoreSceneManager instance.

The Scene Transition implementation from the former SceneLoaderAsync has been migrated to the CoreSceneManager class, along with a few improvements.

Extension Methods​

With extension methods, you no longer need to manually create ILoadSceneInfo instances:

AdvancedSceneManager.TransitionAsync("my-target-scene", "my-loading-scene");

This works for both the static AdvancedSceneManager and any ISceneManager implementation. The extension methods use the arguments to build a SceneParameter internally, such as:

public static Task<SceneResult> TransitionAsync(this ISceneManager sceneManager, string targetSceneName, string loadingSceneName = null, CancellationToken token = default)
SceneParameters targetParams = new(new LoadSceneInfoName(targetSceneName), true);
ILoadSceneInfo loadingSceneInfo = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loadingSceneName) ? null : new LoadSceneInfoName(loadingSceneName);
return sceneManager.TransitionAsync(targetParams, loadingSceneInfo, token);

Since loading scenes by name/path and addressable address share the same signature, addressable extension methods have the "Addressable" suffix, for example:

public static Task<SceneResult> TransitionAddressableAsync(this ISceneManager sceneManager, string targetAddress, string loadingAddress = null, CancellationToken token = default);


With the removal of the SceneLoaderCoroutine and the conversion of the return type to Task<SceneResult>, you can still wait for these methods in coroutines. You just have to convert the task to a WaitTask, that can be yielded:

yield return AdvancedSceneManager.TransitionAsync("my-target-scene", "my-loading-scene").ToWaitTask();

You can also use the WaitTask to get the loaded scene:

WaitTask<SceneResult> waitTask = AdvancedSceneManager.LoadAsync("my-target-scene");
yield return waitTask;

Scene loadedScene = waitTask.Task.Result.GetScene();


The explicit UniTask references were removed with the SceneLoaderUniTask, but since it supports standard async/await workflows, you can still use UniTask with this package.

Scene Unload Updates​

In 3.x you could only unload a scene via a LoadSceneInfoScene which contains a direct scene reference, or via the same ILoadSceneInfo that loaded that scene in the first place.

Now, you can use any valid reference to unload a scene: name, path, build index, scene handle, addressable address or AssetReference.

Addressable scenes can also be unloaded by any valid reference except by its build index, since it's always -1. To unload via an addressable reference, it must match the original ILoadSceneInfo: either a LoadSceneInfoAddress or a LoadSceneInfoAssetReference.


The 4.x iteration concludes the simplification initiatives started in 3.x and matches the usability of the Unity Scene Manager, while delivering powerful upgrades. We hope these changes improve the usage experience for new and active users.