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Version: 3.1.0

Basic Usage

Loading scenes with this package implies that the scenes will always be loaded as Additive. That is simply because there is no advantage in loading scenes in the Single load scene mode when you expect to work with multiple scenes.

To standardize how the scenes are loaded, you'll be using ISceneLoader, ISceneManager, and ILoadSceneInfo objects.

These structures are meant to be used together. If you do not plan to use scene transitions or to have custom awaitable types, you can use the ISceneManager directly without an ISceneLoader.

Creating your scene loader​

For the first example, let's build a Scene Manager and a Coroutine Scene Loader:

using MyGameDevTools.SceneLoading;
// [...]

ISceneManager sceneManager = new AdvancedSceneManager();
ISceneLoader sceneLoader = new SceneLoaderCoroutine(sceneManager);

You can also build an Async Scene Loader:

ISceneManager sceneManager = new SceneManager();

ISceneLoaderCoroutine coroutineSceneLoader = new SceneLoaderCoroutine(sceneManager);
// Or
ISceneLoaderAsync asyncSceneLoader = new SceneLoaderAsync(sceneManager);
// Or
ISceneLoaderUniTask unitaskSceneLoader = new SceneLoaderUniTask(sceneManager);

It is recommended that you store these object references as interfaces to reduce coupling in your code.

Loading scenes with ILoadSceneInfo​

You'll use the Load Scene Info objects to reference both addressable and non-addressable scenes.

Let's assume you have included the following scenes in your Build Settings:

  1. Main Menu
  2. Loading

And you have the following scenes in addressable groups:

  • Shop
  • Level 1

You can load the scenes by using the appropriate ILoadSceneInfo:

ILoadSceneInfo mainMenuSceneInfo = new LoadSceneInfoName("Main Menu");
ILoadSceneInfo loadingSceneInfo = new LoadSceneInfoIndex(1);
ILoadSceneInfo shopSceneInfo = new LoadSceneInfoAddress("Shop");
// You should be able to get the scene's Asset Reference from the inspector by exposing an
// AssetReference on a MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject.
ILoadSceneInfo levelSceneInfo = new LoadSceneInfoAssetReference(levelSceneAssetReference);

// Loading the scene calls the same method, regardless of the load scene info type

// Or the async alternatives
await sceneLoader.LoadSceneAsync(mainMenuSceneInfo);

Unloading scenes​

You can use all the ILoadSceneInfo types from the load operation with the addition of the LoadSceneInfoScene, to unload non-addressable scenes using the scene returned from ISceneLoaderAsync.LoadSceneAsync.

Scene levelScene = await sceneLoader.LoadSceneAsync(new LoadSceneInfoAssetReference(levelSceneAssetReference));
ILoadSceneInfo levelSceneInfo = new LoadSceneInfoScene(levelScene);

// [...]

// Async alternative
await sceneLoader.UnloadSceneAsync(levelSceneInfo);

Instead of using the async method, you can also register to the ISceneManager.SceneLoaded event:

sceneLoader.Manager.SceneLoaded += loadedScene => 
ILoadSceneInfo loadedSceneInfo = new LoadSceneInfoScene(loadedScene);

Scene Transitions​

You can combine different Load Scene Info objects on the transition method:

ILoadSceneInfo stageSceneInfo = new LoadSceneInfoName("Stage 1");
ILoadSceneInfo loadingSceneInfo = new LoadSceneInfoIndex(1);

sceneLoader.TransitionToScene(stageSceneInfo, loadingSceneInfo);

// Or the async alternative
await sceneLoader.TransitionToSceneAsync(stageSceneInfo, loadingSceneInfo);