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Version: 3.1.0

Creating Loading Screens

During scene transitions, you have the option to provide an intermediate scene that can be used as loading screen. This could be an animated splash screen or a loading progress bar, for example. This package provides implementations to help you build your loading screens faster.

Loading Screen Example​

Take the following loading screen scene hierarchy as an example:

By having this hierarchy in your loading scene, it would be able to fade in/out and display both the loading progress bar and loading progress text feedback. As this scene has the LoadingFader component, remember to enable both WaitForScriptedStart and WaitForScriptedEnd toggles in the LoadingBehavior component. Also, if you're not using an addressable scene manager, enable the ReducedLoadRatio toggle.

You can test this scene by passing its ILoadSceneInfo reference as the intermediateSceneInfo parameter in an ISceneLoader.TransitionToScene method.

Loading Components​

The Loading Behavior​

The Loading Behavior is a MonoBehaviour component, which you can attach to Unity GameObjects, that receives the progress value from the scene manager. You need to add a LoadingBehavior component to a GameObject in your loading scene to be able to display scene loading feedback. It exposes its LoadingProgress instance, which you can use to listen to the loading events:

public class LoadingProgress : IProgress<float>
public event LoadingStateChangeDelegate StateChanged;
public event SceneLoadProgressDelegate Progressed;

public LoadingState State { get; }

The StateChanged event expects a LoadingState parameter, to report the current state of the scene loading operation, and you can query the active state at any time by retrieving the value in the State property. The Progressed event expects a float parameter, ranging from 0 to 1 to report the progress of the scene loading operation.

Back to the LoadingBehavior, it has a few options you can set on the Unity Inspector:

  • Wait For Scripted Start: enable if the loading screen will have a transition in effect, such as a fade in.
  • Wait For Scripted End: enable if the loading screen will have a transition out effect, such as a fade out.

The Loading States​

The loading scene transition can be customized to delay some parts of the operation to deliver a smooth visual experience for the user. That means we can fade in/out or use other transition effects and wait for them to complete to continue the scene loading operations. The LoadingState enum reflects those states:

public enum LoadingState

These states are ordered, which means that the first state will always be WaitingToStart and the last will be TransitionComplete. They mean:

  • WaitingToStart: it's waiting for a trigger to allow the scene loading to start loading. This could be if the loading scene does not instantly appear, otherwise causing weird experiences with things simply disappearing. You can transition the loading screen with a fade in or a similar effect, for example.
  • Loading: the loading screen transition has occurred and the scene loading operation is running. During this state, the LoadingProgress instance will receive the progress value from the scene manager.
  • TargetSceneLoaded: the target scene has been loaded, but the loading screen is still displaying. You can use this state to transition the loading screen out, such as a fade out or a similar effect.
  • TransitionComplete: the target scene has been loaded and the loading screen is already out of the way. Shortly after this state, the loading scene will be unloaded.

The Loading Feedback​

At this point, you should already have your loading scene with a LoadingBehavior attached to one of your GameObjects. Now you can also add some other components to display the loading progress feedback. This package comes with three feedbacks:

  • LoadingFeedbackSlider: attach on an UI Slider to display the loading progress feedback as a progress bar.
  • LoadingFeedbackTextMeshPro: attach on an UI Text Mesh Pro to display the loading progress feedback as text normalized from 0 to 100.
  • LoadingFeedbackText (also known as Legacy): attach on an UI Legacy Text to display the loading progress feedback as text normalized from 0 to 100.

You can use a combination of these feedback components in the loading scene. Remember to assign the LoadingBehavior field of these components to the LoadingBehavior component you created before.

Another feedback that you could make is a fade in/out effect. The LoadingFader component does just that. Add it to an UI Canvas Group GameObject to control the group's alpha value during the visual transitions. You can also set the fade time and customize the fade in/out animation curves to suit your preference.

To use the LoadingFader effectively, you must enable both WaitForScriptedStart and WaitForScriptedEnd toggles in your LoadingBehavior component.