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Version: 3.1.0

Load Scene Info

The Load Scene Info is an object that holds a reference to a scene to be loaded (or unloaded) and validates whether it can reference a loaded scene.

ILoadSceneInfo interface​

The ILoadSceneInfo interface simply defines:

public interface ILoadSceneInfo
LoadSceneInfoType Type { get; }

object Reference { get; }

bool CanBeReferenceToScene(Scene scene);

Since the Reference field can hold any type of reference, the scene manager will be responsible for deciding what to do with its value. The LoadSceneInfoType is a simple enum that helps converting the Reference value without casting the ILoadSceneInfo object. The load scene info simply holds these references, and that's why the implementations included with the package are all readonly structs.

Load Scene Info Types​

You can choose to work with five load scene infos:

  • The LoadSceneInfoName, referencing a scene's name.
  • The LoadSceneInfoIndex, referencing a scene's build index.
  • The LoadSceneInfoScene, referencing a loaded scene's struct (used for unloading scenes only).
  • The LoadSceneInfoAssetReference, referencing a scene's Addressable Asset Reference.
  • The LoadSceneInfoAddress, referencing a scene's Addressable Address.

You can also build your own ILoadSceneInfo implementation if have special needs, but that will probably require you to build a scene manager to interpret its Reference value as well.

When unloading a scene, the AdvancedSceneManager will look for any of its loaded scenes that (in order of priority):

  1. Have the same loaded scene handle (in the case of LoadSceneInfoScene).
  2. Have the same ILoadSceneInfo.

That means that the preferable way to unload scenes is through LoadSceneInfoScene, as it holds a direct reference to the target scene. Assuming you don't have multiple scenes loaded with the same reference, it's safe to assume that the scene you want to unload is the one with the same ILoadSceneInfo you provided. Except from LoadSceneInfoScene, you cannot unload a scene with a different ILoadSceneInfo type.


If you do have multiple scenes loaded by the same reference, unloading by its ILoadSceneInfo will unload the last loaded scene of that reference.


When unloading addressable scenes, their resources will be released by calling Addressables.UnloadSceneAsync internally.