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Version: 4.0.0 🚧

Loading Scene Examples

This sample showcases different loading scenes and how to use Scene Transitions with the package.


Import the sample through the Package Manager.

  1. Open Window/Package Manager.
  2. Select Advanced Scene Manager from the In Project list.
  3. In the right panel, select the Samples tab.
  4. Click on the Import button on the Loading Scene Examples item.

The sample assets will be installed to Samples/Advanced Scene Manager/<version>/Loading Scene Examples.

Scriptable Render Pipeline Compatibility​

When importing the sample into a project with an active Scriptable Render Pipeline, a dialog will appear asking if you want to automatically upgrade the sample materials. This will upgrade the sample materials for both URP or HDRP.

Adding scenes to Build Settings​

After importing the sample, a dialog will appear asking to automatically add the sample scenes to the Build Settings. This is required to be able to perform Scene Transitions with the sample scenes. If you ignore this prompt, you'll need to manually add the scenes to the Build Settings if you want to play the sample.

You can easily remove the scenes added to the Build Settings via the menu item at Tools/Advanced Scene Manager/Remove 'Loading Scene Examples' from Build Settings.

Playing the Sample​

The sample contains two game scenes and three loading scenes:

  • SceneA
  • SceneB
  • Loading_Fade
  • Loading_Animated
  • Loading_Custom

You can start by opening either SceneA or SceneB and entering playmode.

Once into playmode, you'll notice four buttons on the top-left. Each one of these buttons will trigger a scene transition to the other game scene with a different loading scene:

Loading Scene Examples

  • Fade Transition: fade in/out effect, progress bar and progress label feedbacks.
  • Animated Transition: animated in/out effect.
  • Custom Transition: custom image fill progress component and progress label feedbacks.
  • Direct Transition: no Loading Scene.

Try out the transitions to see the effects in realtime.

Understanding the Loading Scenes​

All loading scenes have the LoadingBehavior component and control the loading progress via the LoadingBehavior.Progress events and methods.

To perform Scene Transitions in the game scenes, the sample uses a simple component to trigger the transitions on button click:

public class SceneTransitionTrigger : MonoBehaviour
string _targetScene;

public void TransitionWithLoading(string loadingScene)
AdvancedSceneManager.TransitionAsync(_targetScene, loadingScene);

public void Transition()

Fade Transition​

The Loading_Fade scene implements the Creating Loading Screens guide. It features a LoadingFader component and both LoadingFeedbackText and LoadingFeedbackSlider components to display progress.

Animated Transition​

The Loading_Animated scene implements a custom animation with an Animator component and a custom script. The script subscribes to the LoadingProgress.LoadingCompleted event of the LoadingBehavior.Progress and plays animations in the Animator.

public class AnimatedTrigger : MonoBehaviour
static readonly int _isOpenHash = Animator.StringToHash("IsOpen");

LoadingBehavior _loadingBehavior;

LoadingProgress _loadingProgress;
Animator _animator;

void Awake()
_animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

_loadingProgress = _loadingBehavior.Progress;
_loadingProgress.LoadingCompleted += PlayOutAnimation;


public void InTransitionTrigger()

public void OutTransitionTrigger()

void PlayInAnimation()
_animator.SetBool(_isOpenHash, false);

void PlayOutAnimation()
_animator.SetBool(_isOpenHash, true);

Both InTransitionTrigger and OutTransitionTrigger methods are called through Animation Events.


The "In" animation is played after the loading scene has loaded, and before the target scenes started loading. The "Out" animation is played after the target scenes have been loaded, but before unloading the loading scene.

Custom Transition​

The Loading_Custom scene showcases how to implement your own progress feedback component.

public class LoadingFeedbackImageFill : MonoBehaviour
LoadingBehavior _loadingBehavior;

Image _image;

void Awake()
_image = GetComponent<Image>();
_image.fillAmount = 0;

void Start()
_loadingBehavior.Progress.Progressed += UpdateSlider;

void UpdateSlider(float progress) => _image.fillAmount = progress;

It subscribes to the LoadingProgress.Progressed event to be notified of progress changes, and uses the float value to update the image's fill amount.


With this sample, you were able to try out multiple ways of customizing the existing package components to perform Scene Transitions with different loading transitions and progress feedbacks. Use the sample scenes as a starting point to create your own loading experiences ✨.