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Version: 4.0.0 🚧

Core Concepts

There are some key structures that need to be understood in order to dive deep into the logic of the Advanced Scene Manager.


This is an overview of the Advanced Scene Manager architecture. We will dive into each individual component in the next pages. Consider this flowchart:

  • The AdvancedSceneManager is a static implementation of a CoreSceneManager, which contains all the logic to perform Scene Operations.
  • The CoreSceneManager is an implementation of the ISceneManager interface, that by itself only defines "low-level" Scene Operations methods that receive SceneParameter arguments.
  • The SceneParameter struct is an abstraction to handle a single ILoadSceneInfo or multiple (ILoadSceneInfo[]).
  • The ILoadSceneInfo interface is an abstraction of a reference to a scene. It has the following implementations:
    • LoadSceneInfoName: name or path
    • LoadSceneInfoIndex: build index
    • LoadSceneInfoScene: a loaded scene
    • LoadSceneInfoAddress: an addressable address
    • LoadSceneInfoAssetReference: an AssetReference
  • The Scene Operations called by the CoreSceneManager will use ISceneData implementations internally, as it stores the ILoadSceneInfo used to load a scene and also stores an IAsyncSceneOperation that can reference both the load or unload operation.
  • A completed Scene Operation will return a SceneResult struct, that can hold a single or multiple scenes, depending on the SceneParameter method input.

Scene Operations refer to the Load, Unload and Transition operations.

We will cover each of these structures in the next pages.