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Version: 4.0.0 🚧

Core Scene Manager

The Core Scene Manager is the most important piece of the package. It is responsible for performing Scene Operations in coordination with the Unity Scene Manager.

ISceneManager interface​

The ISceneManager interface exposes a few methods and events to standardize the Scene Operations:

public interface ISceneManager : IDisposable
event Action<Scene, Scene> ActiveSceneChanged;
event Action<Scene> SceneUnloaded;
event Action<Scene> SceneLoaded;

int LoadedSceneCount { get; }
int TotalSceneCount { get; }

void SetActiveScene(Scene scene);

Task<SceneResult> TransitionAsync(SceneParameters sceneParameters, ILoadSceneInfo intermediateSceneReference = default, CancellationToken token = default);

Task<SceneResult> LoadAsync(SceneParameters sceneParameters, IProgress<float> progress = null, CancellationToken token = default);

Task<SceneResult> UnloadAsync(SceneParameters sceneParameters, CancellationToken token = default);

Scene GetActiveScene();

Scene GetLoadedSceneAt(int index);

Scene GetLastLoadedScene();

Scene GetLoadedSceneByName(string name);

You will find many similarities between Unity's SceneManager class, and that's both for maintaining an easy learning curve as well as because some of these operations will end up calling the Unity Scene Manager internally (like SetActiveScene for instance).

The package includes the CoreSceneManager implementation that is capable of handling both addressable and non-addressable scene operations. You can use its implementation as a reference to build your own Scene Manager if you need.

The CoreSceneManager is expected to be used as a layer on top of the Unity SceneManager, with additional functionality. When creating a CoreSceneManager you can decide whether you want it to manage scenes that have been loaded already or not.

The ISceneManager interface defines that the LoadAsync, UnloadAsync and TransitionAsync methods return a Task<SceneResult>. This means you can await those methods if they are implemented with the async keyword, or you can subscribe to the SceneLoaded or SceneUnloaded events to receive the same scenes you would via the async methods.


You can also wait for these methods in coroutines by converting them to a WaitTask:

yield return CoreSceneManager.LoadAsync("my-scene").ToWaitTask();

Both these methods also receive a SceneParameter struct. So, instead of having multiple methods for receiving the scene's build index or the scene's name, we simply have a struct.


You can create a CoreSceneManager using three constructors:

// Creates a Core Scene Manager including all currently loaded scenes. Useful for most cases.
// Should not be called on `Awake()`, since it runs before the scene is loaded.
new CoreSceneManager(addLoadedScenes: true);

// Creates an empty Core Scene Manager. Useful if you are doing this before any scene loads or in a bootstrap scene.
new CoreSceneManager();

// Creates a Core Scene Manager including an array of scenes. Useful when you want to include only a specific set of scenes to it.
new CoreSceneManager(initializationScenes: new Scene[]);

You don't need to manually create a CoreSceneManager instance if you're using the AdvancedSceneManager.

Scene Parameter​

SceneParameter is a struct to simplify passing single or multiple scenes as parameters for the Scene Operations.

public readonly struct SceneParameters
public readonly int Length;

public readonly ILoadSceneInfo GetLoadSceneInfo();

public readonly ILoadSceneInfo[] GetLoadSceneInfos();

public readonly bool ShouldSetActive();

public readonly int GetIndexToActivate();

It allows the definition of a single method that can perform operations for single or multiple scenes. Ideally, you should use the extension methods that build the SceneParameters internally instead of manually creating an instance for each call. For example:

// You don't need to do this:
CoreSceneManager.LoadAsync(new SceneParameters(new LoadSceneInfoName("my-scene")));

// Use the extension method instead:

Scene Result​

Just like the SceneParameter, the SceneResult simplifies returning a single or multiple scenes as result of a Scene Operation.

public readonly struct SceneResult
public readonly Scene GetScene();

public readonly Scene[] GetScenes();